October 2023: XI Italy-Latin America and Caribbean Conference in Rome

On Friday, 13 October, the XI Italy-Latin America and Caribbean Conference was held at the Farnesina. Some of the most important Latin American business leaders were invited to our country during the week. The aim was to offer them an up-to-date showcase of economic and financial investment opportunities in Italy and an opportunity to learn more about some of Italy’s manufacturing excellence. The delegation included 36 entrepreneurs and financiers from 11 Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Peru), with an estimated business volume of $150 billion and personal assets exceeding $20 billion. A very broad geographic and at the same time extremely qualified entrepreneurial representation, both in terms of business volume and the vastness of the sectors in which the industrial groups and conglomerates represented operate: construction, large-scale distribution, textiles, mechanics, iron and steel, oil & gas, energy, pharmaceuticals, insurance, fashion, agri-food, real estate and banking. The initiative was for the ‘first time’, aimed at gaining the loyalty of certain personalities who, due to their Italian origin or interest in Italy, could potentially become allies of the growth diplomacy strategy launched by Rome. At present, on the other hand, many investment flows from Latin America are directed not only towards the USA, but also towards Spain and Portugal, but only to a limited extent towards Italy. This dynamic will hopefully change thanks also to the initiative that has been put in place.